Anonymous : can't have an erection. Problem started from 25 August (today) at noon, but was completely fine even in the morning. Penis was subjected to bending (not for a prolonged time as it was becom
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Anonymous : Lumps on head of my penis.sometimes it feels so itchy. Initially it is red but with time the head turns pale white and has a serrated hole in the middle. First it appeared near the urethra,
Anonymous : I'm almost 24, 50 kgs, 5 ft 4 inches tall. My breasts are extremely uneven. It has been this way since they started to develop. They make me feel very insecure. Is there a way for me to enlar
Anonymous : Hello doctor! I have a question.i am a virgin girl problem is : i find it difficult to mastrubate because i can only insert one finger into my vagina ,i tried to put two but its painful
Anonymous : My penis skin has been torn in several places. It's been itching a lot. It's not getting better due to frequent touch of urine and water. What can I do? Any ointment can I use? My age is 32 a
Anonymous : Medicine
Anonymous : দীর্ঘ 12 বছর এই সমস্যায় ভুগতেছেন। অস্থির অস্থির ভাব। এক জায়গায় বেশিক্ষণ বসে থাকতে চায় না। মাথার তালু ব্যথা করে। অস্থির লাগে। কোন কাজে ধৈর্য নাই। সবুর নাই। বিষন্ন লাগে শরীর দুর্বল লাগে। অন
Anonymous : I have had sex with my wife. I wore a condom during intercourse, but the condom got loose for a moment. So I get rid of the condom from my penis & insert my penis to my gf's vagina. but I did
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